Who am I!


My name is Lenny, and I am an IT professional with experience in the Azure cloud platform and with PowerShell scripting. I am a natural problem solver and as I find solutions and interesting things about Azure, I will try to share them with you, on the internet.

Other things about me:

I don’t know it all, but I do love to learn.

I will try to share solutions I have seen or created for clients in the hopes that when you run into an issue, you can at least have a reference point or a template to work off of. Or maybe the ways I do things could be expanded or improved upon, for which please do let me know and share links or ideas.

Enough about technology. I also will probably be sharing things I have an interest in such as motorcycles, music, fishing, and other stuff. Who knows how many people this site will reach but regardless of that, I hope I can help you in some way and again, welcome to my blog: Learn with Lenny!